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Hong Kong Progress Speech Therapy Centre Co Ltd
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給家長的鼓勵金句 Encouraging Words for Parents
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工具編號 : BO35
工具名稱 : Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol Workout Book
產品介绍 : By: Nancy R. Kaufman, MA, CCC-SLP

Written for clinicians and parents, the REPRODUCIBLE MATERIALS is a simple and effective way to create home programs. The book features 16 fun, colorful, and engaging story themes that will grab and hold attention.

These motor-speech coordination exercises help build consonant and vowel gestures into functional, expressive language development. Each workout explains what skill is being targeted, how to perform the exercise, and specific help that is to be offered to the child.

Includes suggestions for cueing specific sounds. The Workout Book is specifically designed for children who have mastered the sounds targeted by the Kaufman Kit Basic Level /m,p,b,t,d,n,h/. (Hard cover; color print; 3 lbs; 127 pages (9"x13"))

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HK$1,000 /pc
工具編號 : BO36
工具名稱 : Feed Your Baby & Toddler Right
產品介绍 : By: Diane Bahr, MS, CCC-SLP

The majority of our eating and drinking skills are developed in the first two years of life. Parents can help with this process by using appropriate feeding techniques from birth. Every three months from birth, your baby will have a growth spurt in the area of feeding. Parents often receive very little instruction on ways to feed their children, yet good eating and drinking skills encourage the best mouth development and set up patterns for life. This book reveals secrets for better breast and bottle feeding, and feeding development for babies from birth to the toddler years.

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HK$170 /pc
工具編號 : BO37
工具名稱 : Demystify the Tongue Tie
產品介绍 : Ever have a child with a true tongue tie? No doubt you recall how detrimental to speech that taut little piece of skin can be. In addition to speech differences and oral fatigue, some of the following may be potential problems, as well:

Eating and/or saliva management issues
Dental malocclusions
Dental arch collapse
Periodontal problems
Poor dental hygiene
Social consequences, and
Language development issues.
This easy-to-read book covers everything you need to do a comprehensive analysis (The Analysis of the Lingual Frenum) and make an informed decision about treatment options. In addition to learning about surgeries, you’ll discover several effective exercises to stretch the frenum to avoid surgery altogether.

You'll appreciate the 145 practical pages of how to effectively deal with the tongue tie and improve someone else's life. Written by Char Boshart, M.A., CCC-SLP.

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HK$280 /pc
工具編號 : BO38
工具名稱 : The Key to Carryover: Change Oral Postures
產品介绍 : Carryover—the wonderful experience of hearing a child consistently use his or her newly acquired speech sounds in conversation—isn’t easy.

Sad, but true, some children remain in speech therapy longer than they should. Even when the child can say the “new sound," he/she fails to progress into the conversation level. Ugh. It’s frustrating for everyone. So what can be done?

As a therapist, I have a suggestion. In fact, I’d say that it’s “The Key to Carryover."

There is a little-known, highly effective solution that’s easy to integrate into therapy. It centers on what the tongue is doing—when it’s doing nothing.

How can this be helpful? Because of one critical principle: Where the tongue rests is where it speaks. When the tongue learns to comfortably rest on top in “the speech zone,” it can easily and consistently access all speech sounds.

The Key to Carryover is an easy-to-teach action plan that provides full analysis, interpretation, and step-by-step therapy that instills the new resting postures for consistent and correct speech positioning, production and control. Written by Char Boshart, M.A., CCC-SLP. (111 pages)

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HK$260 /pc
工具編號 : BO39
工具名稱 : 22 of My Favorite Tools & How To Use Them
產品介绍 : Therapy tools add dimension to your therapy and your results. In this practical Tools how-to book, you’ll discover

The best tool and technique to increase oral awareness and localization of specific mouth-parts (so the child can feel what he’s doing and not doing).
Which tools to use--and never use--on the tongue, and why.
How to apply specific tactile input to the tongue-sides to generate bracing (lateral margin stabilization) for controlled tongue movements to decrease slushy, imprecise speech.
An effective method to motivate the back-tongue to lift for a good /r/, as well as /k/ and/g/ productions, plus
Many more helpful techniques!
Learn what tools to use, how to use them, and the rationale behind the techniques. Outlined in a concise detailed format by Char Boshart.

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HK$260 /pc
工具編號 : BO40
工具名稱 : The Myofunctional Evaluation
產品介绍 : Would you like an organized, sequential, and thorough way to evaluate your myofunctional cases? This 84-page paperback gives you the procedures and background information to evaluate with confidence and proficiently interpret your cases’ individual needs.

For your convenience, there are step-by-step sequential techniques. Learn to expertly assess oral resting postures, respiratory concerns, as well as oral-facial hard tissue (dentition, dental arch, etc.) and soft tissue development (tonsils, lingual frenum, etc.). Special instructions are provided for analyzing the oral-stage of swallowing.

Each section details exactly what to do, how to do it, and the rationale behind each activity. If you work with myofunctional cases, this evaluation tool is a must.

Written by Char Boshart, M.A., CCC-SLP.

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HK$410 /pc
工具編號 : BO41
工具名稱 : The Easy R Therapy Program
產品介绍 : The Easy R is a revolutionary "R" Therapy Program designed exclusively for you, the busy speech therapist.

R-questions: Why do R-kids round their lips, and what do I do about it? What's the difference between a Back-up /r/ and a Retroflex /r/ and which one should I teach? These practical questions and more are answered in The Easy R.

The Easy R is way beyond game playing. Remediate your r-kids within months, not years. Each lesson sequences the activities so you know exactly what to do each time: Five lessons of oral-prep tasks, six pages of r-stim techniques, plus numerous stabilization and carryover activities.

Release the knots in your stomach--your "R" therapy is planned for you! (It also includes therapy-options so you can personalize your treatment plan.) Written by Char Boshart, M.A., CCC-SLP.

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HK$510 /pc
工具編號 : BO42
工具名稱 : Swalloworks Therapy Program
產品介绍 : Do you work with swallowing problems? Or want to? Okay then, what do you think about this statement? “We use our mouth for swallowing and for speaking, so they’re pretty much the same type of function, right?” Well, sort of. Here’s my take:

Swallowing is short in duration; speaking is an endurance function.
Swallowing occurs behind closed lips; speech would smother behind closed lips.
Swallowing necessitates pre-swallow intra-oral suctioning; speech is immediate.
A swallow's reason for being is to propel contents to the tummy; speech gives content a voice and a means of expression and communication.
Swallowing only occurs when necessary; speech occurs at the whim of a thought, or less.
With that said, swallowing is relatively complex, extremely interesting, and although we use the same oral components, swallowing is actually quite a bit different from speaking. Effective, quality therapy requires the knowledge of underlying and relevant principles to personalize treatment.

The NEW fourth edition Swalloworks™ contains everything you need to easily and systematically re-train a tongue thrust swallowing pattern. You receive

An extensive rationale base
Detailed therapy instructions
Advancement criteria
A swallow comparisons chart, and
Numerous swallowing generalization tasks
At the heart of the program are twelve detailed, child-friendly lessons and practice sheets. Written by Char Boshart, M.A., CCC-SLP.

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HK$510 /pc
工具編號 : BO43
工具名稱 : David Decides about Thumbsucking
產品介绍 : By: Susan Heitler, Ph.D.

Five-year-old David sucks his thumb. His parents say it's time to stop. David is mad; his thumb feels good in his mouth. He talks with his sister, and then his brother. He asks them why they decided to end their sucking habits and how they stopped. Then, David decides.

The Parent Guide addresses myths and realities about thumbsucking.

Do sucking habits make children less self-confident or more?
Does thumbsucking really impact children's teeth and facial appearance?
Can stopping sucking habits harm children emotionally?
What are the keys to success in helping children end sucking habits?

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HK$180 /pc
工具編號 : BO44
工具名稱 : Tongue-Tied: How a Tiny String Under the Tongue Impacts Nursing, Speech, Feeding and More
產品介绍 : By: Richard Baxter, DMD, MS and team

Chances are, you or someone you know is affected by a tongue-tie.
Common, yet little understood, tongue-ties can lead to a myriad of problems, including difficulty when nursing, speaking or eating. In the most crucial and formative parts of children’s lives, tongue-ties have a significant effect on their well-being. Many parents and professionals alike want to know what can be done, and how best to treat these patients and families.
And now, there are answers.

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HK$170 /pc
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