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工具編號 : BO14.
工具名稱 : 改善說話清晰度及餵食技巧之OPT口部肌肉定位治療 (中文)
產品介绍 : 莎拉蘿森菲德-莊臣的這本專業用書:改善說話清晰度及餵食技巧之OPT口部肌肉定位治療, 包含OPT的理論, 下顎骨, 唇部以及舌頭的治療。莎拉老師所創的層次式的訓練步驟能幫助治療師訂定治療計劃, 亦已被証實能幫助不少的受訓者。 (211頁, 附有一張OPT口部肌肉定位治療的海報)

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工具編號 : BO15
工具名稱 : 兒童言語治療 : 語言前基礎技巧訓練 (第二版) Speech and Language Preverbal Skills (SLPS) Training (2nd edition)
產品介绍 : 本書旨在闡述十四項 Speech and Language Preverbal Skills 的定義、 治療理念,並整合了文獻資料和兩位作者廿多年臨床言語治療的經驗,設計了一個語言前技巧的發展簡表,並就每項語言技巧提供了一些治療活動和小提示,期望對言語治療師的臨床工作和對家長日常語言教導帶來實質、具體的幫助。書中還論述了有關學習語言的生理神經基礎、溝通、語言和言語的定義、影響語言發展的因素、語言評估的種類、目標訂立的準則以及輔助溝通模式的可能性等,以幫助讀者更全面的認識教導非口語孩子溝通背後的理念和知識。

工具編號 : BO16
工具名稱 : A Sensory-Motor Approach to Feeding 餵食治療: 感知肌動方案
產品介绍 : One of TalkTools’ most popular books, “A Sensory Motor Approach to Feeding” encompasses sensory processing and oral-motor skill development needed for safe, effective, nutritive feeding for all ages and ability levels. Lori Overland, MS, CCC-SLP, C/NDT, CLC & Robyn Merkel-Walsh, MA, CCC-SLP have put together their expertise and many years of experience in this practical, illustrated guide that is now a reference in the field of Feeding Therapy. Readers will learn how to identify a sensory-motor feeding disorder, complete an assessment and write a professional report.

A reference in the field of Feeding Therapy
Includes practical cases and real-life food suggestions
Soft cover
250 pages

HK$630 / 本
工具編號 : BO17
工具名稱 : Functional Assessment and Remediation of TOTs (book)
產品介绍 : Is your client or child tongue tied? Tongue tie is a common type of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs) or ankyloglossia.


Authors, Robyn Merkel-Walsh and Lori Overland, have developed a comprehensive, evidenced-based program -- the Merkel-Walsh & Overland TOTs Protocol -- to assist in the identification and functional implications of Tethered Oral Tissues (TOTs) -- commonly referred to as "tongue tie" or ankyloglossia.

This practical speech and feeding program includes a pre- and post-surgical treatment plan to avoid long-term issues, such as scarring and reattachment.

Robyn Merkel-Walsh, MS, CCC-SLP, COM® (TalkTools Instructor) bio
Lori Overland, MS, CCC-SLP, C/NDT, CLC (TalkTools Instructor) bio
Contributing Authors
Anthony F. Jahn, M.D., F.A.C.S, F.R.C.S.(C)
David E. Karas, M.D.
Scott A. Siegel, M.D., D.D.S., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S., F.A.A.P.
Sharon A. Vallone, D.C., D.I.C.C.P.

HK$630 / 本
工具編號 : BO18
工具名稱 : Elizabeth Believes in Herself: The Special Journey Continues
產品介绍 : By: Michele Gianetti, R.N.

The book Elizabeth Believes in Herself: The Special Journey Continues follows the life of Elizabeth from her middle school years through her entry into her current college program. This book, the second one about her life, picks up where the first one, I Believe in You: A Mother and Daughter’s Special Journey leaves off.

Elizabeth, who has global dyspraxia and sensory processing (SPD) disorder, shows her determination and strength as she navigates middle school and high school as well as other life and family situations.

As the second part of their story unfolds, the reader finds themselves joining the family’s journey through their successes, struggles and all the changes that arrive when Elizabeth turns 18 years old. Combining the above along with a study from Princeton University about Dyspraxia, the book offers factual and anecdotal information to help those on their own journeys as well as offers them a real look into the life of a wonderful young woman who works so very hard each and everyday of her life and who
truly does as the title states.

* Need to pre-order.

工具編號 : BO19
工具名稱 : I Believe in You: A Mother and Daughter's Special Journey
產品介绍 : By: Michele Gianetti, R.N.

As the veil of denial is slowly lifted, author Michele Gianetti faces up to the fact that something is terribly wrong with her beautiful baby Elizabeth.

Join her in I Believe In You as she travels a road unfamiliar to most parents, into Elizabeth's world, the world of dyspraxia and sensory processing disorder, and meet the wonderful group of individuals, both therapists and friends, who help her on her journey.

Her devotion to Elizabeth proves there are some things that withstand even the greatest challenge: a mother's love and the words 'I believe in you.'

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HK$190 / pc
工具編號 : BO20
工具名稱 : Nobody Ever Told Me (or my Mother) That!
產品介绍 : By:Diane Bahr, MS, CCC-SLP, CIMI

This fascinating new book fills a missing void in the child-rearing world. It explains everything from the basics of nursing, to SIDS, to facial massage, and finishes with the secrets to good speech development and keys to enhancing your child's best natural appearance.

Written by a speech-language pathologist with more than 30 years of experience, this book is a wealth of necessary information for any new parent. It contains practical advice for all new parents on everything they need to know about oral development from birth to 8 years old.

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HK$280 /pc
工具編號 : BO21
工具名稱 : Emily's Sister
產品介绍 : By: Michele Gianetti, R.N.
In this delightfully illustrated story, based upon real family experiences, Emily discovers how to understand and help her sister live a happier life.

This story, written by the parent of a child with Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), paves the way for parents, teachers and medical professionals to discuss these specific learning difficulties with children.

Unlike most other books on the subject, this book has been written from a child's perspective: enabling young people to ask questions of the story in a non-threatening way and encouraging them to discover how it relates to them.

This book can be shared with children having special needs, their family, or their classmates.

Paperback. 66 pages.
Publisher: Your Stories Matter (January 30, 2017)

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HK$110 / pc
工具編號 : BO23
工具名稱 : Apraxia Uncovered: Seven Stages of Phoneme Development
產品介绍 : By: Pam Marshalla

Pam Marshalla's second material on childhood apraxia presents a deep perspective on speech sound development. Using a month-by-month developmental framework, Pam describes how to nurture sound development in children who have great difficulty learning to make sounds and speech. She integrates information from articulation, phonology, oral-motor, and infant vocal development into a comprehensive plan of treatment. This material will help you understand how to help the child make a wider variety of consonants, vowels, syllables and words, and to become more intelligible.


Hundreds of therapy suggestions
Reference book (160 pages) fully summarizes lecture material
Based on thirty years of Pam's clinical research
Pam's famous practical style

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HK$260 /pc
工具編號 : BO24
工具名稱 : Becoming Verbal With Childhood Apraxia of Speech
產品介绍 : By: Pam Marshalla

This books helps therapists and parents learn how to help their child to become more vocal, verbal, communicative, imitative and interactive. This resource is based on the original writings of Jean Piaget and Pam Marshalla's three decades of clinical work with apraxic children. It contains profound yet practical tools for helping children with severe apraxia and other forms of speech and language delay or disorder learn to talk. Teach your child to speak up, speak out, play with sounds and words, and become much more expressive. Appropriate for children one year of age and above. If you are looking for a place to begin reading about how to help a young children with a severe expressive speech delay or disorder, this is it.

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HK$250 / pc
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