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Hong Kong Progress Speech Therapy Centre Co Ltd
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DV2 : A 3-Part Treatment Plan for Oral Placement Therapy (Level 1) OPT口部肌肉定位治療之三部方案 (Level 1) (英文)
manual included
In this 12-hour workshop you will learn Sara R. Johnson's tactile-sensory approach to oral-motor speech therapy. Includes hands-on demonstrations of techniques to improve phonation, resonation, and speech clarity.
This DVD is approved for 1.2 CEUs (ASHA or AOTA, self-study).

Day one of the course is primarily focused on the theory behind Sara's methods and discussion of what techniques are appropriate, and for whom.

Day two concentrates on treatment and techniques, and addresses abdominal grading as well as the jaw, lips, and tongue.

Learning Outcomes:
- Assess oral-motor, feeding, and speech problems based on muscle systems;
- List hierarchies for oral dissociation;
- Plan a program of therapeutic intervention to address motor-based articulation issues;
- Apply at least ten new therapy techniques;
- Use oral-motor techniques to improve speech production.

Time-Ordered Agenda:
Day One - Morning
A. Theory of Oral-Motor Therapy
B. Why, When, and For Whom?

Day One - Afternoon
A. Muscle Movements Required for Speech Clarity Emergence
B. Thumbsucking, Drooling, Pacifier Usage, and Teeth Grinding
C. Oral Habits: What is the Commonality and How Can They Be Eliminated?
D. Overview of Feeding in Relation to Speech Clarity

Day Two - Morning
A. Treatment: Oral-Motor Exercises for Speech Clarity
B. Abdominal Grading and Breath Support
C. Improving Velo-Pharyngeal Function

Day Two - Afternoon
A. Jaw Stability
B. Lip Exercises
C. Tongue Exercises
D. Program Planning - Putting it All Together
HK$ 4100 / 套

# 所有DVD均不能快递到国内,只送香港 #

** narrated in English only 此自學教育光碟為英語旁白**
港幣 4,100.0 / 套